African leaders in many cities and capitals across Africa Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa has asked western countries to respect local values of the African people. This lack of understanding has cause a lot of backlash against western influence in Africa from economic and foreign policies especially with France Paris under president Emmanuel Macron of France. Africa n countries are the largest voting blocs at the united nations general assemble, countries like Russia, China have taken advantage of this by working closely with African countries. Several western media houses like CNN news and BBC news and many American and European media news agencies have show Africa as a place with lack of development whereas the real picture is that Africa has some of the fastest growing economies in the world from Tanzania, Egypt, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambian and Morocco and Algeria all have Chinese investments in their countries, Uganda for example passed LGBTQ law recent so does Ghana that followed suit which brought international news coverage and Kenya also.
#africa, #unitedstates, #uganda
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