The Mysterious Hyena Men of Nigeria: Extreme Culture is a video that tells the story behind the Myth of Nigeria’s Hyena Gang. I first learnt about their interesting culture after watching a documentary online and this interested me so much that I decided to go make a story about them. They usually move around from…
#pounding source
The Land of Africa carrys a diverse series of Traditions and Cultures, and her people are naturally skilled, as well as keen on displaying the beauty of the Land That flows Honey and Milk. Given by God the Almighty. source
The UN Global Goals vows to end child marriage by 2030. Created in collaboration with Red Barnet ( the danish Save the Children) and Danida. source
Africa has an estimated total of 3,000 tribes, all of which incredibly vary in terms of language and culture. The continent itself might have evolved greatly in the past two millennia, but tribal influences continue to be a dominant force in most parts. Each tribe have their own music and heritage #tribe #africa #traditions #traditional…
#shorts #proverbs, #Africans reflect the wisdom, cultural values, and teachings of various African societies. Each proverb offers a unique perspective on life, relationships, and the importance of learning from experiences. source
Join us on a vibrant journey through the rich and diverse cultures of Africa as we delve into the fascinating tradition of jumping. From the energetic dances of the Maasai in East Africa to the exuberant celebrations of the Zulu in Southern Africa, this short video captures the spirit, rhythm, and joy of jumping in…