African culture, with its intriguing tribes and traditions, is a wildly diverse subject. (Largely because Africa is such a massive place). Find out more about the most fascinating African tribes and traditional African cultures in this video.
According to African Budget Safaris, the continent which was Colonized and pillaged for more than 300 years, is a rich and diverse one.
It is the world’s second-largest continent and the only continent that spans both the northern and southern hemispheres. Africa is about 11.7 million mi² ( equivalent to 30.37 million km²) in size! This means the United States is 32.4% the size of Africa, and the United Kingdom is only 0.8% of the size.
Africa has over 50 independent countries and accounts for about 16% of the world’s population. That translates to over 1.2 billion people. Now, while it is easy to homogenize and talk about ‘African people’, the truth is that within these 54 separate and unique countries, there are in fact over 3,000 diverse African tribes!
Perhaps South Africa best reflects this diversity through its constitution with all 11 official languages recognized by law.
For the purpose of this program, we’ve picked out 9 from the numerous tribes to showcase Africa’s fascinating tribal traditions and vibrant cultures that tells the true story of its heritage.
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