The story of the Sun and the Moon narrates a tale of two siblings with enormous otherworldly powers who lacked self-control. This story is a modern twist on the famous African story of the Moon and the Sun. Today, we enjoy the duality of the Sun and the Moon, but the origin of these two…
#tales #folk # folklore #folktales #Nigeriafolktales #carelessparent #Africantalespart2 #Africantalespart3 Join us in the chilling tale of “Bewitched: The Haunting of Ifeoma,” a true-life story that delves into the dark world of witchcraft. Follow Ifeoma, a young girl whose life takes a terrifying turn when she is unknowingly initiated into a coven by her best friend,…
Dive into some of the most intriguing and lesser-known historical practices that reveal the rich cultural tapestry of human civilization. Pharaohs’ Fake Beards in Ancient Egypt: Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, regardless of gender, wore fake beards made of metal or other materials. This practice symbolized their divine connection to the gods, particularly Osiris, the god…
fulani one family one love source
The tiny Afrikaner Nation on the southern point of Africa, is one of the most remarkable patriotic nations on the planet known to man… Formed in a mere 342 years (1642 – 1994), birthing a new language and identity, cemented its determining and enduring character through endless wars and confrontations. In just 7 minutes, get…