#foodchallenge #EastAfricanFood #WestAfricanFood #Tanzana
Anastasia’s friends are from all over Africa! These past episodes, they have come to town and are making respective recipes. Anastasia wants a food challenge to see if Christian will still choose West African Ghanaian food when tasting her friend Mary’s famous East African Tanzanian dish: Rice Pilou. Which does he choose?
Get More Vids and SUBSCRIBE here: https://bit.ly/2G16aMl
Birthday Party & Newborn: https://youtu.be/GtBeUguY0M0
Daddy’ Morning Routine: https://youtu.be/A58RETaGn4Y
First Day’s With a Newborn: https://youtu.be/qmrpnI71xZc
Do I Hate My Wife’s Ghanaian Cooking? https://bit.ly/2lKyX0o
My Traditional Ghanaian Wedding https://bit.ly/2ksoJl1
How Am I Transitioning to Ghanaian Culture? https://bit.ly/2lHqH0Wids on the Faith Life:
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Christian’s One Man Show: www.JesusWasNotADoorman.com
Email: yourfavoritechristian@gmail.com
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