Koura is a young man of singular beauty, attracted attention with his sunny charm and athletic physique. However, beneath this seductive facade lay a soul tormented by pride and excessive ambition.
Obsessed with the idea of conquering all the women in the village, Koura engaged in fleeting conquests, feeding his fragile ego with flattery and superficial admiration. Yet, despite his apparent success, he could not fill the immense void that gnawed at his heart. The women he seduced did not truly love him, captivated by his superficial charm rather than his deep essence.
Frustrated by this insatiable quest and tired of his romantic failures, Koura turned to a source of occult power: Mamy Wata, the powerful and mysterious spirit of the water. Legends and ancestral tales whispered of her enchanting beauty and supernatural powers, capable of fulfilling the wildest desires.
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