
9 responses to “#blackamerican #blackbritish”

  1. @toherfocus4642 Avatar

    They don’t even live in the US and they are giving an opinion we all are black people and not all of us are likeminded people no matter where you are from dear.

  2. @user-sf5qj7ee9w Avatar

    Slavery just recently ended in Europe, especially in UK so….at any time they could of acted on it thats a huge diffrence.

  3. @carlin_agyei Avatar

    What language your speaking English from Europe bro

  4. @perrywilliams4593 Avatar

    As Soulaani people we built America, we are the culture of America, we influence cultures around the globe, and we know we have fought hard in America for ourselves and for the diaspora. For them to keep saying this ignorant nonsense is infuriating.

  5. @livenow6629 Avatar

    I think the debate needs to cease. I lived in London for three years, and everyone is being weaponized to think America including Black American's are hateable . What SOME British people fail to realize is that these discussions just create a chasm between diaspora that is no longer needed. I love Black London, but the education and assumptions made about African Americans derive from the media, no academic investigation about African America culture, and the need to appear better . It is unfortunate that we do not recognize the division that is being created by these discussions.

  6. @TheAkana1 Avatar

    I'm so happy being Black American is the norm now. This has been my mantra my whole life. Ain't no American without Black Americans.

  7. @jamesfruitts6120 Avatar

    America is full of cultures yes blacks get copied a lot do to there creativity but blacks also copy culture like braids those are actually white and blacks were actually in this country before whites that’s been proven and black authors have written books on that we have all come from somewhere else in our lineage they are segregating shit again but only having the blacks do it for them so they don’t look racist we all need to come together as a single group mlk wanted that same thing we are all equals stop parting the sea and let’s build a raft so we can all float

  8. @tignight3645 Avatar

    I am not an American. I am a black man. This country made that perfectly clear.

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